
Our next generation of writers…

Ribbons and keys ahoy! Nurture that creative talent! I found this delightful image on the Mildura Writers Festival (19 – 22 July 2012) website: 

New all-weather gear

I met this woman down by my local pier this morning and so taken was I by her snug apparel that I headed straight to the nearest stockist and bought an identical outfit! Now I can be assured that should

The short of it | Overland literary journal

The short of it | Overland literary journal. In this wonderful article, author Irma Gold laments the undervaluing and poor readership of the short story (Overland, Sep 8th, 2011) and asks that we as readers (and writers of short stories) buy

Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall

You know the tower of books beside the bed you’ve promised yourself to read? You know the book you’re determined you’ll finish writing? You know the challenge you’ve set yourself getting your head around social media? Yes, well… one could, for just a moment or two, rise above all that commotion and tap into the dreams of childhood

Wonderful Book Launch!

Wonderful Book Launch!

What a fantastic night. Tor Roxburgh managed to combine all the right elements: live music, art, mulled wine, and an intimate setting (The Wilde, in Gertrude St, Fitzroy) to launch her novel The Light Heart of Stone, an Epic Fantasy. Thanks Tor!


Toasty in Trentham

Cosy by the Fire Outside it is obscenely wet, grey and blustery. However here in Trentham, while minus ONE degrees outside, I am truly toasty beside the blazing wood heater. But if I were to venture beyond the front door I would don

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