The Bright Star gets Highly Commended

I’m delighted that my short story The Bright Star has been Highly Commended in the Write Around the Murray short story competition. A short list of 12 was made from a pool of 180 plus entries. From this, author and writing teacher Carmel Bird chose the five winning stories: a first place and next, two Highly Commended

The Bright Star was also short-listed last year by Cate Kennedy for the 2011 Best Australian Stories anthology.

6 thoughts on “The Bright Star gets Highly Commended”

    1. Ha! Thanks for your kind words Kate. Though I have must say, the characters are all figments of my imagination – much to Chloe’s relief, I’m sure! Daughters of writers don’t want to see themselves on the page, or any family members for that matter. The eternal conundrum.

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